Abcprimaryteachingresources's Blog

~~~ for those little extras!

New stock

Just a wee quick note to say we have loads of new stock just arrived and over the next week will be adding it to our website inventory, so keep a look out!  It includes lots of magnetic resources, stickers, posters and flashcards!

I will also be adding links to some of the blogs I mentioned before just in case anyone’s interested! ☺

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Free Downloads

I continue to create new materials, mostly display, which are downloadable from my website, free of charge.

As I have stated in previous posts, although my website is run as a small business for tax purposes etc, it really grew from a passion for teaching and display resources, so I suppose I view it as more of a hobby.  Requisition money never stretches far enough and there are so many wonderful, fun resources for activities in the classroom.  Over the years I have bought so many myself and continue to do so, but in my search for all things different and interesting, I found many resources that have been made by other teachers and can often be downloaded free of charge or for a small sum of money.  Manufactured educational resources, although wonderful, can often be prohibitively expensive!  My dear old laptop will soon need upgrading as I reach the memory capacity, as I am always downloading files for printing and laminating!

As I’m up for a challenge (most of the time!), I decided I could learn something new and put this to good use, therefore I set about using many programs on my PC that have never really seen the light of day!  I wanted to try and create resources too!  It has been a challenge as I’m of the older generation and don’t always understand technical jargon, but what I don’t know and understand, I ‘google’.  I have had so much fun learning how to produce resources and make them available to others.  Yes, my business sells resources, but I wanted to add a service that others might find useful and could be free.  Sadly I don’t have access to amazing graphics software and only have limited knowledge and creativity, but I can see from the number of downloads that people are finding the resources useful and that’s as I’d hoped – brilliant!

The resources range from certificates through to display, literacy and numeracy resources.  I have added some pictures with links to give you an idea.  As I complete the resources I tend to publish them on Pinterest as I have some followers there.  This link will also take you to the free section of my website.  I hope the resources you find there may be of some use to you!


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